Read online book Gauge Theories in Particle Physics Vol. 2 : A Practical Introduction - Non-Abelian Gauge Theories QCD and the Electroweak Theory in TXT, DOC, MOBI


New chapter on CP violation and oscillations in mesonic and neutrino systems, The second volume of this updated fourth edition introduces global and local non-Abelian symmetries and develops simple ideas of group theory. It covers both perturbative and non-perturbative QCD, provides an extensive discussion of spontaneously broken symmetry, and includes an application to chiral symmetry breaking and chiral perturbation theory. The text also describes weak interaction phenomenology, the GWS theory, and condensed matter (many-body) systems, including the one-dimensional Ising model, the bosonic (Bogoliubov) superfluid, and the fermionic (BCS) superconductor., Volume 2 of this revised and updated edition provides an accessible and practical introduction to the two non-Abelian quantum gauge field theories of the Standard Model of particle physics: quantum chromodynamics (QCD) and the Glashow-Salam-Weinberg (GSW) electroweak theory. This volume covers much of the experimental progress made in the last ten years. A new chapter on CP violation and oscillation phenomena describes CP violation in B-meson decays as well as the main experiments that have led to our current knowledge of mass-squared differences and mixing angles in neutrino physics. Exploring a new era in particle physics, this edition discusses one of the most recent and exciting breakthroughse"the discovery of a boson with properties consistent with those of the Standard Model Higgs boson. It also updates many other topics, including jet algorithms, lattice QCD, effective Lagrangians, and three-generation quark mixing and the CKM matrix. New to the Fourth Edition New chapter on CP violation and oscillations in mesonic and neutrino systems New section on three-generation quark mixing and the CKM matrix Improved discussion of two-jet cross section in electron-positron annihilation New section on jet algorithms Recent lattice QCD calculations with dynamical fermions New section on effective Lagrangians for spontaneously broken chiral symmetry, including the three-flavor extension, meson mass relations, and chiral perturbation theory Update of asymptotic freedom Discussion of the historic discovery of a Higgs-like boson The authors discuss the main conceptual points of the theories, detail many practical calculations of physical quantities from first principles, and compare these quantitative predictions with experimental results, helping readers improve both their calculation skills and physical insight.

Read ebook Anthony J.G. Hey - Gauge Theories in Particle Physics Vol. 2 : A Practical Introduction - Non-Abelian Gauge Theories QCD and the Electroweak Theory PDF, DJV, EPUB

Curve Fitting and Evaluation; 6.Applications such as black holes and cosmic strings are also explored.More specifically, the Encyclopedia provides fast access to the most relevant theoretical terms provides up-to-date, broad and authoritative coverage of the most important theories within the various fields of the learning sciences and adjacent sciences and communication technologies; supplies clear and precise explanations of the theoretical terms, cross-references to related entries and up-to-date references to important research and publications.He covers PDEs on bounded domains and then on unbounded domains, introducing students to Fourier series early on in the text.