Ebook Dean Sluyter - Natural Meditation : How to Meditate, Right Here, Right Now DJV, PDF, FB2


Meditation expert Dean Sluyter (THE ZEN COMMANDMENTS) places the myriad health and wellness benefits of regular meditation at your fingertips, with the simple, intuitive meditation techniques presented in this new volume--no expensive teachers or classes required. Throw out every idea you think you know about meditation--including that it can only be learned in expensive classes, that it requires achieving a completely "blank" mind, or that meditation can only be done "properly" by people who can check off certain spiritual prerequisites. In fact, Dean Sluyter--who has been teaching meditation since 1970--says all we need to utilize the life-chaning properties of meditation is already inside us. Meditation is a natural state where we simply connect with the awareness that exists inside us all, and achieving that state is easier than you ever dared hope. Sluyter offers tips, history, and philosophy for those interested in connecting with their inner selves in the simplest way possible--with Natural Meditation., NAUTILUS BOOK AWARDS GOLD-MEDAL WINNER FOR 2015 There's no trying in meditation. Just as water runs naturally downhill ... just as leaves float naturally to the ground ... we can all settle naturally into meditation. Not trying, just allowing--not doing, just being. The key is effortlessness. Whether you're a complete novice or you've "tried it before," if you can breathe you can meditate. Guided by veteran teacher Dean Sluyter's easy-going, down-to-earth approach, you'll test-drive a variety of meditative "vehicles," such as breath, sound, the senses, the sky, and the simple sense of "I," and discover which ones fit you best. You'll find all the practical tips you need for adapting these methods to your daily life, even for a few minutes a day on the subway or in an office cubicle. And as your life opens to deep happiness, clarity, peace, and creative energy, you'll be inspired to keep on practicing--naturally., There's no trying in meditation. If you can breathe, you can meditate. Just as water naturally runs downhill and leaves float naturally to the ground, we are all naturally able to settle into meditation. Meditation doesn't require trying; rather, meditation comes out of just allowing -- not doing, just being. Whether you're a complete novice or you've "tried it before," veteran meditation teacher Dean Sluyter's relaxed, down-to-earth approach will help you test-drive a variety of meditative techniques, such as breath, sound, the senses, the sky, and the simple sense of "I," and discover which ones fit you best. You'll discover that the key to meditation is effortlessness, and find all the practical tips you need for adapting these methods to your own life, as you live it, even for a few minutes a day. And as your life opens to deep happiness, clarity, peace, and creative energy, you'll be inspired to keep on practicing -- naturally. "Sluyter is in the grand tradition of authors who interpret traditional enlightenment teachings and apply them to modern Western life. This book accomplishes that task with a rare combination of insight, clarity, wit, and pragmatic common sense." -- Philip Goldberg, author, American Veda: From Emerson & the Beatles to Yoga & Meditation "I've attended Dean's live sessions, and this book captures their spirit: relaxed and accessible, with a pop-culture-tinged playfulness that pulls you in and puts you at ease." -- Lisa Leeman, producer, Crazy Wisdom; co-director, Awake: The Life of Yogananda "With simplicity, wit, and clarity, Dean Sluyter debunks the misconceptions and offers a user-friendly practice that will put you in the ‘Ahhhhhhh' space, regardless of circumstances. He is truly the Wizard of Ahhhhhhhs. This book will help you find the spacious grace in your life." -- Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a. Swami Beyondananda, author and cosmic comic, There's no trying in meditation. Just as water runs naturally downhill ... just as leaves float naturally to the ground ... we can all settle naturally into meditation. Not trying, just allowing--not doing, just being. The key is effortlessness. Whether you're a complete novice or you've "tried it before," if you can breathe you can meditate. Guided by veteran teacher Dean Sluyter's easy-going, down-to-earth approach, you'll test-drive a variety of meditative "vehicles," such as breath, sound, the senses, the sky, and the simple sense of "I," and discover which ones fit you best. You'll find all the practical tips you need for adapting these methods to your daily life, even for a few minutes a day on the subway or in an office cubicle. And as your life opens to deep happiness, clarity, peace, and creative energy, you'll be inspired to keep on practicing--naturally. "Sluyter is in the grand tradition of authors who interpret traditional enlightenment teachings and apply them to modern Western life. This book accomplishes that task with a rare combination of insight, clarity, wit, and pragmatic common sense." -- Philip Goldberg, author, American Veda: From Emerson & the Beatles to Yoga & Meditation "I've attended Dean's live sessions, and this book captures their spirit: relaxed and accessible, with a pop-culture-tinged playfulness that pulls you in and puts you at ease." -- Lisa Leeman, producer, Crazy Wisdom; co-director, Awake: The Life of Yogananda "With simplicity, wit, and clarity, Dean Sluyter debunks the misconceptions and offers a user-friendly practice that will put you in the ‘Ahhhhhhh' space, regardless of circumstances. He is truly the Wizard of Ahhhhhhhs. This book will help you find the spacious grace in your life." -- Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a. Swami Beyondananda, author and cosmic comic " Dean Sluyter demystifies a timeless practice that brings lasting peace." -- MC YOGI "Dean Sluyter dispels many myths about meditation with clarity, eloquence, and insight. Without recourse to spiritual cliche or jargon, he shows that meditation is natural and effortless, and can be practiced by anyone who simply wishes to avail themselves of the peace that lies in the depths of their being at all times and under all circumstances." -- Rupert Spira, author of The Transparency of Things, Presence and The Ashes of Love

Natural Meditation : How to Meditate, Right Here, Right Now by Dean Sluyter ebook MOBI, DOC, PDF

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